Containers in the cloud

Design by contract Tutorial, part 6/6: [Swagger] Mock your interfaces using Swagger, Wiremock, Docker, Azure Devops, Terraform and Azure

Sound check time: did it really work?

We already saw that the health page works. But it’s time to check if our objective was met.

Remember, the goal is to let developers outside our network use the mock service to help them with their implementation. To see if this works as intended, we can use the swagger file we created and the online Swagger editor.

So open the CustomerTrust.yaml file with a text editor, copy all its contents, navigate your browser to, delete the default content and paste ours. You’ll get this:

Select the mock service from the drop down, click on one of the services, click “Try it out” and then “Execute“. After a few seconds you… will get an error, something like “NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.

Why? Well it’s the browser preventing us from doing do. If you press F12 and watch the Console, you’ll see something like “Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at xxxxxx”. More info here, but in short, it’s a security measure. You can either disable it in your browser’s settings (WHICH IS A BAD IDEA) or use the curl utility, which you can download here for your operating system.

[EDIT] or I could not be lazy, go back to the wiremock config and set the CORS-related HTTP response headers properly, as explained here, here and specifically for wiremock here.

So after you install curl, you can get the command line from the Swagger Editor:

For GET, the command should be:

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json"

Which ever method you pick -GET or POST- we’ll add to this a -v at the end (for more info). So run it and at the end you’ll get this:

401 Unauthorized* Connection #0 to host left intact

Makes sense right? The mock service expects an authorization token which we haven’t provided. Let’s add this:

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer 1234" -v

And now you’ll get the json:

  "name": "GlarusAdvertising AG",
  "taxid": "CHE-123.456.789",
  "trustlevel": "OK"

Likewise, let’s try the POST:

curl -X POST "" -H  "accept: */*" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"reportid\":\"2dcc02d9-6402-4ce9-bf44-3d2cbe8bcd5e\",\"reporttaxid\":\"CHE-123.456.789\",\"taxid\":\"CHE-123.456.789\",\"trustlevel\":\"OK\"}" -H "Authorization: Bearer 1234" -v

And you should see the id of the request in the json response:

    "reportid": "2dcc02d9-6402-4ce9-bf44-3d2cbe8bcd5e",
    "status": "OK"

A small note on Windows: if you try this in Powershell, it seems that the json escaping is acting funny. If you try it through cmd, it works just fine.

That’s all folks

So now our kind-of-fictional-but-actually-quite-real developers can access the service and test their code against it. And wherever we make a change and push it, the service is updated automatically. Not bad, isn’t it? 🙂

That concludes this guide and its introductory journey in the world of Devops (or, as a friend of mine more accurately calls the field, SRE -short for “Site Reliability Engineering”).

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it -I really did. I’m sure you’ll have many, many questions which I can try to answer -but no promises 🙂 You can ask here in the comments (better) or in my twitter profile @JimAndrakakis.


I’ve put all the code in a github repository, here; the only change is that I moved the pipeline yaml in the devops folder and removed my name. You can also find the docker image in docker hub, here.

Have fun coding!

4 thoughts on “Design by contract Tutorial, part 6/6: [Swagger] Mock your interfaces using Swagger, Wiremock, Docker, Azure Devops, Terraform and Azure”

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