New version of XMLSlurper: 1.3.0

I just published a new version of my open source C# XmlSlurper library in Github and

The new version, 1.3.0, contains two major bug fixes:

  1. In previous versions, when the xml contained CDATA nodes, an error was thrown (“Type System.Xml.XmlCDataSection is not supported”). This has been fixed, so now the following works:
    <Title><![CDATA[DOCUMENTO N. 1234-9876]]></Title>

This xml can be used as follows:

var cdata = XmlSlurper.ParseText(getFile("CData.xml"));
// produces 'DOCUMENTO N. 1234-9876'
  1. In previous versions, when the xml contained xml comments, an error was thrown (“Type System.Xml.XmlComment is not supported”). This has been fixed; the xml comments are now ignored.

Separately, there are a few more changes that don’t impact the users of the library:

  1. A Github action was added that, when the package version changes, automatically builds and tests the project, creates a Nuget package and publishes it to That will save me quite some time come next version 🙂
  2. The test project was migrated from DotNet Core 2.2 to 3.1.
  3. The tests were migrated from MSTest to xUnit, to make the project able to be developed both in Windows and in Linux -my personal laptop runs Ubuntu.

The new version is backwards compatible with all previous versions. So if you use it, updating your projects is effortless and strongly recommended.

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