Powershell & Microsoft Dynamics CRM: get results and update records with paging

I’ve written before an example on how to use Powershell and FetchXml to get records from a Dynamics CRM instance. But there’s a limit, by default 5000 records, on how many records CRM returns in a single batch -and for good reason. There are many blog posts out there on how to increase the limit or even turn it off completely but this is missing the point: you really really really don’t want tens or hundreds of thousand -or, god forbid, millions- of records being returned in a single operation. That would probably fail for a number of reasons, not to mention it would slow the whole system to a crawl for a very long time!

So we really should do it the right way, which is to use paging. It’s not even hard! It’s basically almost the same thing, you just need to add a loop.

That’s the code I wrote to update all active records (the filter is in the FetchXml, so you can just create yours and the code doesn’t change). I added a progress indicator so that I get a sense of performance.

# Source: DotJim blog (http://dandraka.com)
# Jim Andrakakis, June 2020
# Prerequisites:
# 1. Install PS modules
#    Run the following in a powershell with admin permissions:
#       Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.CrmConnector.PowerShell
#       Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Xrm.Data.PowerShell -AllowClobber
# 2. Write password file
#    Run the following and enter your user's password when prompted:
#      Read-Host -assecurestring | convertfrom-securestring | out-file C:\usr\crm\crmcred.pwd
# ============ Constants to change ============
$pwdFile = "C:\usr\crm\crmcred.pwd"
$username = "myuser@mycompany.com"
$serverurl = "https://myinstance.crm4.dynamics.com"
$fetchxml = "C:\usr\crm\all_active.xml"
# =============================================

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

# ============ Login to MS CRM ============
$password = get-content $pwdFile | convertto-securestring
$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $username,$password
    $connection = Connect-CRMOnline -Credential $cred -ServerUrl $serverurl
    Write-Host $_.Exception.Message 
if($connection.IsReady -ne $True)
    $errorDescr = $connection.LastCrmError
    Write-Host "Connection not established: $errorDescr"
    Write-Host "Connection to $($connection.ConnectedOrgFriendlyName) successful"

# ============ Fetch data ============
[string]$fetchXmlStr = Get-Content -Path $fetchxml

$list = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
# Be careful, NOT zero!
$pageNumber = 1
$pageCookie = ''
$nextPage = $true


    if ($pageNumber -eq 1) {
        $result = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $connection -Fetch $fetchXmlStr 
    else {
        $result = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $connection -Fetch $fetchXmlStr -PageNumber $pageNumber -PageCookie $pageCookie

    $ts1 = New-TimeSpan –Start $StartDate1 –End $EndDate1


    Write-Host "Fetched $($list.Count) records in $($ts1.TotalSeconds) sec"    

    $pageNumber = $pageNumber + 1
    $pageCookie = $result.PagingCookie
    $nextPage = $result.NextPage

# ============ Update records ============

$i = 0
foreach($rec in $list) {
    $crmId = $rec.accountid
    $entity = New-Object Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Entity("account")
    $entity.Id = [Guid]::Parse($crmId)
    $entity.Attributes["somestringfieldname"] = "somevalue"
    $entity.Attributes["somedatefieldname"] = [datetime]([DateTime]::Now.ToString("u"))
    $i = $i+1
    # this shows progress and time every 1000 records
    if (($i % 1000) -eq 0) {
        $ts2 = New-TimeSpan –Start $StartDate2 –End $EndDate2
        Write-Host "Updating $i / $($list.Count) in $($ts2.TotalSeconds) sec"

$ts2 = New-TimeSpan –Start $StartDate2 –End $EndDate2

Write-Host "Updated $($list.Count) records in $($ts2.TotalSeconds) sec"

For my purposes I used the following FetchXml. You can customize it or use CRM’s advanced filter to create yours:

<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false">
  <entity name="account">
    <attribute name="accountid" />
    <order attribute="accountid" descending="false" />
    <filter type="and">
      <condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="0" />

Something to keep in mind here is to minimize the amount of data being queried from CRM’s database and then downloaded. Since we’re talking about a lot of records, it’s wise to check your FetchXml and eliminate all fields that are not needed.


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